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My Favorite 616 Upgrades

Top 5 Upgrades Your Customers Will Love!

Ember-Glo bed lighting with colored glass and embers provides an amazingly realistic ember bed effect! Overhead accent lighting, no more back accent light. We have also improved the slide plate vent connection, very similar to the Lopi Radiant Inserts.

Options: High-Def 10 piece log options: Choose: Classic Oak or Birch.
Flame Appearance: Newly designed two-stage burner with steel log grate has been engineered to give you a bigger, more realistic and more attractive flame appearance!

NEW 616 with Lopi Profile Stainless Face and the popular Black Glass Fireback

Our Top 3 Faces are:

Lopi Times Square # 1 (96900761)

Lopi Black Profile #2 (96900763)

FireplaceX Metropolitan #3 ( 96900759)



NOW Shipping to Warehouses. Please secure one for your display as they are going fast.


From side to to bottom, unmatched in it's class. Best Features - Best Overall Value!

Your customers will not only like it, they are going to love it!

Happy Selling!


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